
Ready to place an order or get a quote on your next custom t-shirt printing or embroidery project?

Custom T-Shirt Printing

Gives us a call at 847-218-3770 or reach out using the form below! Let the Print Pros take care of your graphic design, custom t-shirt printing, and/or embroidery!

Please include as many details as possible. Garment type, type of print, quantity, and any additional comments you may have.


Please note: Because of the many variables involved in printing tees (quantity, type of garment, complexity of print, size of print…) we work on a quote by quote basis and don’t have a general price list. Feel free to send over images, links, or descriptions for whatever project you have in mind and we’ll do our best to respond with price breakdowns and pricing information on your particular order. You can reach us using the form above, or shoot an email with attached files to and we’ll get back as soon as possible!


We Love T-Shirts!